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You Can Shout, Rant, Expose Consumers and Voice Your Personal Complaints About Dumb and Stupid Assholes!

Definition of ASSHOLE- The worst kind of person. You cannot fully construct a meaning that fully encompasses what this vicious insult means. If you’re an asshole, you are disgusting, loathesome, vile, distasteful, wrathful, belligerent, agoraphobic, and more. Assholes are human fecal matter. They are the lowest of the low. They transcend all forms of immorality. It is the very worst of insults; to be called an asshole is to have your very soul ripped apart and shat on. I say that the word “asshole” is the worst cussword of the english language, worst than fuck, shit, and cunt combined.

Definition of DoucheBag- A person with a shitty personality that needs to “take themself the fuck down” or “go home and get their fucking shine box.” A douchebag usually assumes the form of a hair-gelling pretty-boy but can also be described as an overzealous, pompous, or vexatious asshole.

Definition of ASSHOLES.GLOBAL- A place to complain and let the world know about stupid, incompetent, detestable people, an Ex Spouse or maybe a crappy work environment that you have to endure.

At we feel that no one should have to deal with an asshole. It is bad enough as we go through life we have to face these occurrences, unexpected events, and unfortunate situations,then when you need help or service some Asshole gives you the runaround or treats you like crap.

This website is not only limited to people you know,anyone can report a jerk that poses as military, cut you off or flipped you the finger at a traffic light, your Boyfriend or Girlfriend that did you dirty,everyone has had a Jerk of a Boss or Co-Worker,well on you can let anyone know they are an asshole!

 If you are tired of being stepped on or treated like dirt,then vent it here at!

Legal Disclaimer- Thank you for visiting our When viewing this site you agree to hold harmless the Assholes.Global its owner, owners, employees or entities responsible for any information contained herein. The Assholes.Global is a non-substantiated source of information. Information provided in the is the sole creation of individuals from the general public. It is your sole responsibility to verify any claims that are made on this site and make your own decisions about any companies and individuals listed within. Warning! The content within may be offensive, due to the unedited nature. ALL complaints remain public and unedited in order to create a working history on the company or individual in question. We do allow the “Alleged Assholes” to make a comment or apologize. Assholes, asshole people, rip-off report, scam, scams, fraud, reviews, complaints, auto dealers, retail stores, news, websites, consumer complaints, customer reports, mail order, politicians, civil rights, publications, gripe, healthcare, insurance, forum, home builder, real estate, lemon, defect, defective, civil rights, city government, state government, federal government, consumer complaint, consumer affairs

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